Our Pediatric SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) provides onsite medical evaluations in Woburn at no charge to children who present with concerns or disclosures of sexual abuse and exploitation. Affording victims with access to specialized medical evaluations is a critical component of the Middlesex CAC's services.
The benefits of a medical evaluation include:
Ensuring the health and well-being of your child
Diagnosing and treating medical conditions related to the abuse
Reassuring your child that everything is okay with their body
Documenting any significant physical and forensic findings
Allowing for the collection of evidence that may be present on your child's body or clothing if reported within the age-relevant timeframe. The timeframes are: for children 11 and younger within 72 hours (3 days) and for children 12 and older within 120 hours (5 days)
Children presenting with an acute sexual assault are encouraged to participate in a forensic examination by a professional skilled in performing forensic, medical-legal examinations. The Pediatric SANE can perform these exams in the Middlesex CAC's Health Suite for children 11 years old and younger. The evaluation includes photographic and written documentation of the exam and, if indicated, non-invasive lab and diagnostic testing, forensic evidence collection, and health consultation. Children ages 12-17 years old are referred to the most convenient community hospital for forensic evidence collection and medical treatment, but will be referred back to the Pediatric SANE for medical follow-up and care coordination at the Middlesex CAC.
Most child sexual abuse cases involve offenses that were committed weeks, months, or even years prior to the report to authorities. These victims typically do not need emergency medical care and do not qualify for an exam involving forensic evidence collection. The Pediatric SANE provides medical evaluations for these children at the Middlesex CAC in Woburn.
Several sites in and around Middlesex County offer the services of a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) or a Pediatric SANE. The SANE Program adheres to a "Do No Harm" principle when providing medical evaluations so all attempts are made to minimize pain or trauma experienced by the child.
All SANEs and Pediatric SANEs are trained, certified, and credentialed through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.