

Our Team

The Middlesex CAC recognizes the important role a multidisciplinary team (MDT) response plays in guaranteeing that the unique needs of child abuse and exploitation victims are understood and meet. This approach brings together professionals from various, distinct disciplines to work collaboratively with each other from the point of report through the conclusion of the child and family's involvement with the Middlesex CAC. At the same time, it preserves and respects the rights and obligations of each agency to pursue their respective mandates.

The consistent use of the MDT approach facilitates the efficient collection and sharing of information in a child-friendly and culturally sensitive manner, improves timely evidence gathering, broadens the knowledge base from which decisions are made, and enhances communication among the many agencies who are necessarily involved when an allegation or concern of child abuse or exploitation is raised.

This coordinated, comprehensive, and compassionate professional approach reduces the number of investigative interviews and court appearances for the victim, increases the access to advocacy, allows for specialized medical and mental health services to be more quickly and effectively coordinated for the victim and non-offending family members, and ensures the MDT has the appropriate information to reach a result in each case that is in the best interest of the child.