

CSEC Coordinator

The Middlesex CAC's TRACE (Team Response Against Child Exploitation) Program is a collaborative response to the commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) in Middlesex County. TRACE was created to encourage CSEC-involved youth to feel safe, break ties with their exploiter, and seize opportunities to regain control of their lives and futures.

Our CSEC Coordinator is a trained FI who will promptly coordinate a multidisciplinary team (MDT) response when there is a concern or report of a CSEC-involved youth. Given the complex histories of these youth, the MDT can include child protection agencies, outside providers, medical professionals, survivor mentorship program representatives, multiple jurisdictions, as well as local, state, and federal law enforcement authorities. As indicated, our CSEC Coordinator will conduct a forensic interview and work with the MDT to assess risk and safety and ensure the youth has access to medical and mental health care, substance abuse treatment, mentors, and advocates.

By fostering creativity in our MDT response, the TRACE Program strives to enhance our efforts to identify and hold those who sexually exploit and traffic youth accountable.

Did you know:

  • 11-13 yo = average age of entry for boys and transgender youth into the commercial sex industry

  • 12-14 yo = average age of entry for girls into the commercial sex industry

Katie Nugent, MS
Katie Nugent, MS
Forensic Interviewer & CSEC Coordinator

Katie Nugent earned a Master's in Criminal Justice and received advanced training as a Forensic Interviewer. Katie is a valuable member of our dedicated FI Team whose job, in part, is to talk to victims about their experiences and gather information in a comfortable setting in a developmentally appropriate, legally sound, neutral manner.

Katie has been a FI for the Middlesex CAC for over 15 years. During this time, she received specialized training in the field of child exploitation and sex trafficking. In 2019, Katie took over as the Middlesex County CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) Coordinator. In that role, she oversees our TRACE Program. Before joining our FI Team, Katie worked as a Case Supervisor for a Child Advocates/CASA Program and served as a Rapid Response Victim Advocate for a Domestic Violence Victims Assistance Program.

Katie received her Bachelor of Arts in both Corporate Communications and English from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She received her master's degree from Boston University. Katie is an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Criminology at Merrimack College.